Systemic Family Constellations

A Family Constellation is a powerful process that enables individuals to overcome patterns of behavior that have been repeated in families for generations. Have you felt burdened by behavior you cannot seem to change- whether yours or that of a loved one? In this work we experience that certain behavior patterns and issues may not belong to us personally, but are embedded in a web of family dynamics that can go back for generations. In experiencing and acknowledging this web of relationship,we become free to leave behind what does not serve us and move forward with new purpose.
Group Details
45 Rosehill Ave
Tarrytown, NY 10591

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Painting from the Inside Out

Painting as a tool for self-expression and exploration No experience is required for you to play with color, shape and image on a large white canvas; only the desire to experience your natural creative state. Time to express yourself and explore your potential - without any pressure or expectations. Painting from the Inside Out provides the environment and support for you to experience the creative process. You will learn to move past the blocks created by judgment, need for product and need to find meaning to a place where you can learn to trust your intuition.