Summits Beyond Mindful Men's Group (2024 Cohort)
Let's Connect (406) 344-4037
This group will begin Fall, 2024 into Spring 2025. This group is for men seeking to find strength, resilience, and focus in a positive and supportive setting to deepen into our minds, bodies, and inner strength of healthy masculinity. Through multiple modalities, group participants will meet with other men committed to strengthening themselves and their community. Mindfulness, Somatic Experiencing intro skills, connections with nature, and peer support will all be essential elements of this group's process over 2 3-month mini-semesters.
Group Details
Summits Beyond Downtown Office
Helena, MT 59601
Session Cost
Men's Issues
Email Kevin Shon about this group or call - (406) 344-4037
Let's Connect (406) 344-4037