Suicide Loss Survivor's Group (Virtual)
A suicide loss survivor is anyone who lost a significant person to suicide. This group is for adults who have experienced the suicide loss of a close person. The suicide loss could have happened months or decades ago. Group therapy is helpful not because grief is a disorder, but because suicide loss is traumatic and the post-loss world can be lonely and isolating. Many suicide loss survivors feel as though there is no place untouched by the traumatic loss of their person. Authentic safe spaces help foster the capacity to cope with the ongoing demands of surviving suicide loss.
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Men's Group
Do you struggle with expressing your genuine feelings? Join other men whose relationships and life goals have been affected by this common masculine conflict. This group, for men aged 25 and older, aims to help those who have difficulty socializing and who struggle with connecting to and expressing their true emotional selves. The goal of the group is for the members to more easily identify their feelings without automatically needing to suppress them leading to more meaningful relationships and the ability to achieve important life goals. The group format helps foster a sense of safety and connection for the members. Led by Dr. Benjamin Lief.