Succeeding in College

The Succeeding in College group is designed to help Young Adults with Asperger's Syndrome learn skills that will help them with organization, motivation, & focus so they will be able to succeed in college. They will also be taught independent living skills and anxiety reduction skills.
Group Details
The Center for Family & Lifespan Development
33305 1st Way S.
Suite B-203
Federal Way, WA 98003
Session Cost
Group Meets

The Center for Family & Lifespan Development
33305 1st Way S.
Suite B-203
Federal Way, WA 98003
Email me
My Other Groups
Social Skills for Young Adults with Asperger's

This group focuses on Social & Independent Living Skills for Young Adults with Asperger's Syndrome. These skills are imbedded in fun activities that are taught at The Center then used in real community settings.
Session Cost
Parenting Kids with Disabilities

The Parenting Kids with Disabilities is a support group for parents who are struggling with how to parent their disabled child or young adult. The group focuses on parenting skills, guilt, frustration, and daily living issues.