Substance use disorders
substance abuse groups to include a Substance Abuse Intervention group (Short Term), which focuses on identification and interruption of substance use and abuse. Eligible attendees include Driving While Impaired, Driving With License Revoked, Underage Drinking and Driving and any other court order clients. Substance Abuse Treatment groups (Long Term) are offered throughout the week and focus on addiction as disease. Tuesdays Burlington 5-9; Saturdays Charlotte 10-2
Group Details
Trinity Counseling Services
508 Holly Hill Lane Sutie 102-E
Burlington, NC 27215
Session Cost
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
Trinity Counseling Services
508 Holly Hill Lane Sutie 102-E
Burlington, NC 27215
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Prime for Life/ADETS
PRIME FOR LIFE/ALCOHOL AND DRUG EDUCATION PROGRAM (ADETS) Is a DHHS/DMV approved program. Program explores risk and what we can do to reduce risk and protect the things we value the most in life. Prime for Life gives a way to reduce risk for future problems with alcohol and drugs. The program provides research-based information about alcohol and drug risks.
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
Personal Development
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP This four-hour psycho-educational intervention is designed to challenge thinking and lifestyle choices. By using cognitive behavioral group techniques, individuals are introduced to power and responsibility of choices and how their “best thinking” has created their life circumstances.