Stress Management Anger Redirection Techniques
The mission of this Stress Management Anger Redirection Techniques (SMART) group is to end violent behavior in the home. SMART members agree that violence, coercion, and terror are NEVER acceptable reactions to feelings. SMART uses education and support to help members better recognize stresses and make healthier choices for relief and resolution of conflicts. This SMART group is for men who are voluntarily striving to stop behaving violently and take personal responsibility to develop mature responses for coping. #SMART #domesticviolence
Group Details
14-25 Plaza Rd
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
14-25 Plaza Rd
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
My Other Groups
Women's Anger Management Class
This is a voluntary class that will be conducted individually or as a group - not to fulfill a court order (no letters). The objective of this class/therapy is for participants to better identify anger triggers and alternatives to self-defeating, hostile, aggressive, and violent behaviors. Among other skills, participants can learn to improve stress management, empathy, and communication skills.