S.I.S.T.A.S. Women's Support Group
The 10 session group, SISTAS: Sisters In Support Together Against Stressors, includes a curriculum that focuses on key components such as spirituality, self-esteem, racial identity, social support and intimate relationships in order to educate, empower and promote resiliency and healthy coping.
Group Details
HELP LLC Suburban Office
401 E 162nd Street
Suite 103
South Holland, IL 60473
Session Cost
Group Meets
My Other Groups
G.I.F.T. Stress Management Group
Stress is an unavoidable aspect of life that can have a negative impact on one's physical and mental health if not managed. Gaining Insight for Trying Times (G.I.F.T.) is an eight week support group that helps members learn how to identify stress triggers, its negative effects, and acquire coping tools for effective stress management. A focus on mind-body approaches are taught in order to relieve pain, manage anxiety, cope with illness, increase productivity, and improve overall sense of well-being.
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
P.R.I.D.E. Teenager Group
The purpose of the 6 session Promoting Resiliency and Identity Development through Empowerment (PRIDE) curriculum is to promote racial identity, collective self-esteem and resilience among adolescent girls and boys in order to protect them against the harmful implications associated with media stereotypes, including the stereotype that Black students can't master standardized testing. Pychoeducational activities bolster effective coping, problem solving and learning strategies.