Serenity -Anxiety, Depression, Relationship Issues

Are you anxious, stressed, feeling depressed, alone, and overwhelmed? Serenity is a weekly support group for those experiencing anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or any type of loss. It is a welcoming and positive environment where individuals have an opportunity to share with those who can relate, develop effective coping mechanisms to manage life's challenges, and foster healthy relationships. Looking for peace and contentment? Come to group! There are Saturday and weekday groups available.
Group Details
Monroeville, PA 15146
Group Meets
Types of Therapy

My Other Groups
Just for Today

Have a loved one struggling with alcoholism or addiction? Feeling frustrated, scared, and overwhelmed? Have more more than six months sober, need additional support, & want to help others? It is a safe space for those who love an addict or alcoholic and those who are active in recovery to share their personal obstacles with one another, learn about the disease of alcoholism/addiction, and develop healthy coping mechanisms to manage the turmoil that it brings. Emphasis on self care, utilizing the twelve step program, and practicing spirituality is encouraged.
Endings & Beginnings- relationship/sep/divorce

Unhappy in a long term relationship? Married and unsure whether it will ever get better or if starting a new life is possible? Getting divorced or separated? Overwhelmed by fear of the relationship ending and don't know how to begin? This is a confidential group which discusses the numerous obstacles of being in an unhappy long term relationship. This group provides a safe space for you to process feelings with others who relate, consider ways for self care, while building courage and strength. This group enables you to gain the clarity and insight needed to make life choices.