Self Esteem
This group explains how self-esteem are your real feelings about yourself. How you express your self-esteem by the way you treat yourself, how well you understand yourself and your accept your feelings. This group will give you ideas on how to improve your self esteem by establishing values, setting goals, self-care and spiritual humility.
Group Details
San Diego Treatment and Recovery Center
6244 El Cajon Blvd # 26
San Diego, CA 92115
Types of Therapy
San Diego Treatment and Recovery Center
6244 El Cajon Blvd # 26
San Diego, CA 92115
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Relapse Prevention
This group will provide you with information on important topics related to relapse, give you some practical ideas to help minimize the chances of relapse, help you take responsibility for identifying specific high risk factors that may lead to relapse and help you begin to make specific relpase prevention plans based on your unique situation.
Types of Therapy
Life Management
This group discusses the relationship between stress and addiction with emphasis on making honesty in priority in your life, focusing on today, making wise choices, leisure and fun, diet and sleeping right