Self Care in the New Year!! Mental Health and...
Join us for the live stream dialogue Mental Health and... the Impact of New Years Resolutions and Goal Setting. Join us for Weekly virtual discussions about mental health. Saturday January 7, 2023 10:30 AM join @YourSupportService_IG @YourSafeSpaceMH
Group Details
@YourSupportService_IG @YourSafeSpaceMH
10111 Martin Luther King Jr Hwy
Bowie, MD 20720
@YourSupportService_IG @YourSafeSpaceMH
10111 Martin Luther King Jr Hwy
Bowie, MD 20720
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New Groups (survey)
You aren't alone! YSS is now hosting group therapy sessions. Take this brief survey to discover and share the group therapy options that work for you.
Anxiety (Creating your Personalized Toolkit)
Many people experience anxiety and need support to 1) understand what they are experiencing and 2) work through the experience by managing their thoughts and feelings. 3 session Anxiety Workshops are being hosted by Your Safe Space to help recognize and manage symptoms. Supporting workshops will follow these preliminary group to target ares such as Social Anxiety, etc. In Person and Virtual attendees are welcome to join. Insurance will be accepted. Register at this link