Relationship Repair

This group is targeted to anyone who is feeling not-quite satisfied with their relationship - married, dating, co-habitating, same or opposite sex. Issues of encouragement within families, different expressions of love, relationship renewal, and non-violent relationships are explored. This is a 4 week group priced at $50.00 per session/per person. Partners are encouraged to attend.
Group Details
Life With Hope
3607 Alt 19
Suite B / Brooke Executive Complex
Palm Harbor, FL 34683
Session Cost
Types of Therapy

Life With Hope
3607 Alt 19
Suite B / Brooke Executive Complex
Palm Harbor, FL 34683
Email me
My Other Groups
Coping With Anger - Yours and Others

The goal of the group is to learn triggers, coping techniques, and tools to deal with your own anger and those of others when it is directed towards you. We meet weekly for 5 weeks and a personal workbook is created. Cost of Group and materials is $50.00 per session. A certificate of completion is awarded.
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse

This group works to alleviate the anger, shame and guilt associated with many types of past abuse. Physical and emotional healing is stressed. Trauma/ anxiety and panic attacks are managed. This is a 4 week group. The cost is $50.00 per session. Individual one to one counseling is suggested for unique issues.