Post-partum Mom Support
This is an open online group intended to offer community and weekly support for moms during the postpartum period. Welcoming a new child into your family is wonderful. It can also be a very difficult transition that introduces depression, anxiety, and an entire host of other feelings. You are not alone in your experience. Support is available.
Group Details
Bowling Green, KY 42104
Session Cost
My Other Groups
Post -partum Dad Support
This is an open online group intended to offer community and weekly support for dads during the postpartum period. Although it may not be spoken about often, men can suffer from post-partum depression too. If you are having a difficult time with transitioning into fatherhood, you are not alone and this group can offer some peer support for you.
Session Cost
Prenatal Support
This group is intended for pregnant women who are preparing to add new additions to their families. One goal of this group is to offer women sharing a common experience an opportunity to establish a social support network that can offer support throughout pregnancy and continue into the postpartum period.