PICK "How Not to Fall for a Jerk or Jerkette"
Let's Connect (385) 243-7923
COMING SOON! This course is intended to educate clients on how to navigate potential relationships BEFORE being married or being stuck in an unhealthy relationship. If you would like to be on the waiting list for this course, please let us know. We will notify you when we get enough participants.
Group Details
Email Lisa Joan Araujo about this group or call - (385) 243-7923
Let's Connect (385) 243-7923
My Other Groups
Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Teen Group
Teens on the gender spectrum met to discuss opportnities and obstacles. We also discuss how to navigae through their world. The most important aspect of this group is that they are connected to other kids who have shared experiences and can be a safe support network.
Email Lisa Joan Araujo about this group or call - (385) 243-7923