People Helping People Addiction Counseling Group

People Helping People Substance Abuse and Addiction Counseling is a recovery-focused substance abuse awareness program. The mission of the program is to assist group participants in identifying. addressing and/or reducing risks for potential or additional substance-related problems. Evidence-based substance use disorder literature is utilized in sessions including participant workbooks for self-assessment and individualized personal growth.
Group Details
Rays of Hope Ministries
333 East Main Street
Clayton, NC 27520
Session Cost
Types of Therapy

Rays of Hope Ministries
333 East Main Street
Clayton, NC 27520
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Walking Together Ministries

Walking Together Ministries is a Faith-based community self-help group. This group is a collaborative effort to support the physical, mental, and spiritual needs of persons struggling with life issues. Activities include discussion topics, sharing resources and building supportive networks to assist individuals needing encouragement and emotional support through life's challenging situations.