Parenting Your Gifted Child - SENG Parent Group
Next group planned Spring 2017. Email or text to be added to waitlist. Parenting a gifted child or teen can present special rewards and challenges. Perhaps your child... * is unusually intense and sensitive * has a high energy level; may seem scattered and disorganized * has very high expectations of self/others * has trouble finding friends his/her own age * is a rapid, curious, innovative learner who may be disruptive or bored in school * has an intellectual level beyond his/her emotional level * has learning disabilities in addition to being gifted. SENG groups offer parents strategies and support in a relaxed setting.
Group Details
Dry Creek (Roseville), Folsom Cordova, Rocklin Unified
School District Offices
Rocklin, CA 95765
Session Cost
Types of Therapy
Dry Creek (Roseville), Folsom Cordova, Rocklin Unified
School District Offices
Rocklin, CA 95765
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My Other Groups
Psychedelics Preparation & Integration
Prepare well for your next Psychedelic medicine journey, and integration work afterwards with a small group of like-minded explorers.