Parenting Support
This virtual group is for any parenting adult to experience a weekly support group of peers, facilitated personally by me. Each week, this group has a focus topic about parenting that involves learning, reflection and supportive conversation. Additional parenting groups specific to children diagnosed with anxiety, ADHD, and dysphoria are available.
Group Details
Chino Hills, CA 91709
My Other Groups
LGBTQ+ Support
Social support is an important resource for living your authentic and amazing self. This group is a safe and affirming weekly space for members of the LGBTQIA+ community. Virtual kids, teens, adults, and parent groups occur in a warm and supportive environment. Groups occur weekly in the evening. Please contact me to learn more and see if the group meets your interests. Specific groups may be available at different times. Groups may range from 3 to 7 people in each group and average one hour. Groups are specific to age groups and to gender and sexual identities along the spectrums.
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
Teen Support
Being a teen can involve being surrounded by a large amount of noise each day. In this group, I personally facilitate ways in which to build self esteem alongside a small group of supportive peers through self discovery and reflection. Groups occur weekly and range from three to seven teens in each group. Please contact me directly to learn if a group currently has openings,