Parent/Friends of People with Unique Perceptions
Anahata combines love and logic while understanding that de-escalating crisis is counterintuitive and confusing. This can be discouraging for parents who are scared and want to help their child get "back on track." This group gives parents a place to talk and consult with Anahata while processing the incredible amount of stress and change due to a child being hospitalized. She will provide an overview of safety concerns (5150 hold, voluntary hold, or other cause of inpatient treatment). You will learn how parents in similar situations are dealing with setbacks and what has worked to create balance again.
Group Details
111 Mission Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
Session Cost
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Young People with Unique Perceptual Experiences
Welcome to the Young People with Unique Perceptual experiences group! People in this group share personal reflections in confidence. Through sharing experiences we grow and learn how to trust sharing our thoughts without judgment and gain strength. The purpose of this group is to give people an opportunity to be present, share the company of others who are resilient, and working toward healing past traumas as a result of having unique perceptual experiences. Receiving social support is a challenging but incredibly rewarding experience. We gain community through shared feelings of loneliness. Perception is powerful. And how we make sense of our experiences determines our reality.