Parent Education Group
The Parenting Education Group is a 7 week course that covers a variety of topics that are relevant to parenting in today's world. The emphasis of the curriculum is on building strong parent-child relationships that are based on trust and respect. This kind of a relationship is taught to be achieved through appropriate expectations, structure and discipline with empathetic actions and reactions.
Group Details
Madison County Catholic Charities
3512 McArthur Blvd
Alton, IL 62002
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Social Kids Club
A summer social skills group 60-90 minutes long for children ages 7-10 and 11-12 focusing on communication and listening skills, emotions, building and maintaining boundaries, developing problem solving skills and creating positive outlooks. Intake required. Maximum 10 per group. $10 per person, per session. Sliding scale and scholarships are available to participants.