Pandemic Support Group
Let's Connect (510) 788-2862
As the confusion, isolation and fear surrounding COVID-19 drags on, people everywhere are struggling to cope. This mindfulness-based, virtual support group is designed to help clients with the stress and difficulty of our current shared experience. Connecting with like-minded people in a safe group container, facilitated by a licensed professional, can be particularly helpful as we all deal with the issues caused by the global pandemic, including interpersonal, health and financial concerns. Starting with a mindfulness activity, then an opportunity to check in, participates begin the weekly group processing focused on compassion, 'kindfulness,' and mutual support.
Group Details
Virtual Only at this time
Castro Valley, CA 94546
Session Cost
Group Meets
Every Thu
Types of Therapy
Compassion Focused
Email Kristin Porter about this group or call - (510) 788-2862
Let's Connect (510) 788-2862