Only But Not Lonely
The Only But Not Lonely group is for only children to connect with other only children. Only children can experience a loneliness that their peers with siblings do not and may not understand. This group provides opportunities for interpersonal connection, friendship building, self-esteem building, respite from loneliness, opportunities to connect/share with other only children regarding their unique set of experiences and opportunities to explore how to manage those challenges independently. Please contact for further details and/or information.
Group Details
Howe Commons
65 South Main Street
Suite B-001
Pennington, NJ 08534
Session Cost
Types of Therapy
Howe Commons
65 South Main Street
Suite B-001
Pennington, NJ 08534
Email us
My Other Groups
Grief Art Therapy
GRIEF GROUP RETURNING THIS SPRING! Spring 2022 Session Enrolling Now! The Grief Art Therapy group is a 6-week group facilitated spring & fall. The group focuses on the individual's experience and journey through grief and loss. There are 4 weeks dedicated to specific experiences within the grieving process, along with 1 week of initial introduction and 1 week focused on reflection and termination of the group. The group meets for 2 hours each session. At present this is a group for adults 18+. Please contact for further details and/or information.