Online Course for Breaking Free

My greatest desire is for you to discover your true identity, learn to live in inner peace as well as break free from the pain and suffering that holds you back from reclaiming the abundant life that’s waiting for you now. This is why I developed this online course. This online course provides greater access to the content shared in my book as well as simplifies the process while also expanding the potential for greater inner growth. Because we all want to be free, we must learn how to quiet our mind and thoughts. Join us today.
Group Details
Anona Counseling Center
2081 Indian Rocks Road
Largo, FL 33774
Session Cost
Types of Therapy

My Other Groups
Finding & Freeing Yourself - 8 Week Class

Do you know who you really are, deep down inside? In this class, we'll explore this fundamental question by: 1.) Discovering who you really are 2.) Learning how to reclaim authority in your life 3.) Overcoming obstacles that hold you back 4.) Applying key practices for lasting inner growth & peace. We'll begin by discovering false beliefs to help you free yourself from the habitual & negative patterns that limit your inner well as what you can do each day to find peace & freedom. Call for dates. Register at: 727-531-9751 -
Session Cost
Find and Freeing Yourself

Learn how to recognize, neutralize, & break free from negative thoughts that cause your suffering...In this class, you will: 1.) Discover greater self-awareness 2.) Learn how to reclaim authority in your life 3.) Overcome obstacles that hold you back 4.) Apply key practices for lasting inner growth & peace. We'll begin by identifying false beliefs to help you free yourself from the habitual & negative patterns that limit your inner well as what you can do each day to create a rewarding life. Call for dates. Register at: 727-531-9751 -