New Possibilities for Grief, Depression & Worry

A Fusion of Art, Music, Movement & Journal Therapy. Don't waste precious time dissecting unhappiness in a therapy group. NEW POSSIBILITIES offers positive change. The group makes room for your unhappiness, yet each meeting will also help you remember what remains lovely, healthy, and unspoiled in your life. As you recover the positive, which always co-exists with the problems, troubles will weigh less on your mind. Your mood and emotions will grow brighter as enthusiasm returns. * discover how to balance the light and dark * embrace positive thinking * learn creative problem solving
Group Details
Jefferson Street Counseling and Consulting
1517 West Jefferson Street
Boise, ID 83702
Session Cost
Group Meets

Jefferson Street Counseling and Consulting
1517 West Jefferson Street
Boise, ID 83702
Email me
My Other Groups
Writing The Winds of Change

A Women's Journaling Group. Join us as we move through life's transitions. Regardless of the source of your loss or change, your own words of wisdom help you navigate and discover a bright tomorrow. Join other women as we untangle the confusion, upheaval, and mystery of riding and writing the winds of change. Let go of the past as you trust yourself through transition. Find optimism for the new adventures. You do not need to be a "writer." The group will provide tools and encouragement for a successful experience.
Session Cost
Smart Therapy with A Smart Phone Camera

Join this innovative therapy group blending photos with a journal. Open the lens of your mind to new possibility. No special talents or experience required. Learn to manage your moods with creativity as well as new ways to overcome depression and anxiety. Learn how an intentional focus will enhance your life and change the quality of your photos. Adults and cheerful adolescents welcome.