My Child - Group for Parents of Children with ADHD
This is a group for parents with a child diagnosed with ADHD. You're doing the best you can to help your child and taking care of your mental health should be part of that. This group allows you to share your experience and hear the experiences of others. You are not alone. There are other parents who get it. Each week of school, home, and other activities will be different for your child and that impacts you. Join us at the end of each week to process how things went for you.
Group Details
East Houston Group Therapy
5144 East Sam Houston Parkway North
Houston, TX 77015
Group Meets
East Houston Group Therapy
5144 East Sam Houston Parkway North
Houston, TX 77015
Email me
My Other Groups
Summer Mental Health Group For Teenage Girls
This is a group for teenage girls to be able to express themselves among peers and understand more about mental health. They will learn to effectively communicate how they really feel. We'll talk about healthy relationships, self-worth, inner beauty, and of course the impact of social media.