Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
Eight classes to decrease stress, improve your health and wellbeing. Included: mindful movement, body awareness, meditation, daily practices, readings, guided instruction with group dialogue. Information @ www.centerpointcounseling.org - Closed Group with specific start/stop dates. Includes all day retreat after class six. Email Scott Sweet should you have any questions! Peace.....
Group Details
CenterPoint Counseling at Second Presbyterian
7700 North Meridian Streeet
Indianapolis, IN 46260
Session Cost
CenterPoint Counseling at Second Presbyterian
7700 North Meridian Streeet
Indianapolis, IN 46260
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My Other Groups
Mindfulness Meditation
Join others in Mindfulness Meditation on Mondays, Thursdays at 12:15 pm. Brief discussion, followed by silent practice and concluding with observations, comments or questions. Take refuge in the present moment. Mindfulness Meditation is the opportunity to rest in Presence in a supportive environment with others. No experience, fee or registration is necessary.