Mind Body Groups to improve self regulation & mood

Improve self awareness, confidence, strength, interpersonal connections, positive moods through therapy and body exercises to feel strong and connected to the universe and others. Movement exercises help us replace helplessness with powerful challenges to make us whole. DBT is used to help regulate moods going from feeling disconnected to self and others to connected and well. The Mind Body Group enables members to think more clearly and find their own happiness to journey through life with less tension and become more at ease. Strong bodies + balanced minds = Happy Lives
Group Details
320 Jefferson Street
Kerrville, TX 78028
Session Cost
Types of Therapy

My Other Groups
Yoga for Mental Health and Wellness

For anyone who has battled loneliness, depression/anxiety, addiction, health issues, ADHD, or grief. Over 75% of the American population is currently dealing with one or more of these issues. Come be a part of this group and watch your troubles melt away to live the Blissful life you deserve.