Middle School Readiness
Is your 5th grader nervous or concerned about middle school? Would they feel more comfortable with an introduction to middle school amongst a small group of their peers? Dr. Frey is excited and ready to help your 5th grader adjust and cope with the academic and social changes they may experience in order to help with adjustment to middle school. Topics covered include: (1) How is Middle School Different? (2) Making Friends in Middle School, (3) Decision Making in Middle School, (4) Building Your Self-Image, (5) All About Peer Influence, and (6) Future Focused Planning.
Group Details
Finding Hope Wellness Center, LLC
4955 Van Dyke Road
Lutz, FL 33558
My Other Groups
Social Skills Group Ages 8-12
Small Group Interventions for Social Skills, led by Clinical Psychology Resident, Dr. Sheila Hernandez
Session Cost
Refuel Your Balance
This incredible group, led by Clinical Psychology Resident, Dr. Sheila Hernandez, was created in order to help women 30+ with refueling their balance by learning how to better manage their stress. Topics include: (1) How you react to stress, (2) Body Awareness and Recognizing Tension in the Body, (3) Breathwork and Relaxation Training, (4) Refuting Irrational Ideas, (5) Nutrition and Stress, and (6) How Exercise Reduces Stress. Message us today about signing up!