MFT Intern Process & Support Group - Lafayette
Intern support group that meets every Thursday from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Lafayette and in Burlingame. The objective of the group is to support Interns through the process of their Internship; emotionally and practically, using tools, resources and shared experiences. Special consideration given to challenges faced by International students, International MFT Trainees/Interns. Please call 925-365-6968 or visit my website at Email me at:
Group Details
Lafayette, california and Burlingame CA
935 Moraga Road, Suite 215
Lafayette, CA 94549
Session Cost
Group Meets
Lafayette, california and Burlingame CA
935 Moraga Road, Suite 215
Lafayette, CA 94549
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MFT Intern Process & Support Group - Burlingame
Process and support groups for MFT Interns and Trainees. Special considerations given to challenges faced by International students. Triple count your therapy hours towards your 3000 hours!