Men's Process Group: Sex & Porn Addiction Recovery
Let's Connect (424) 581-0748
If you're looking for a group in which men complain to each other about feeling marginalized in our ever-changing society, this ain't that group. If you're looking for a place to forge supportive and nurturing relationships with other men in order to shed the shame and loneliness of addiction, this is the right group for you. The group is limited to 7 members. Please drop me a line to see if there are openings.
Group Details
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Session Cost
Group Meets
Every Mon 6:30 P.M. - 8:30 P.M.
Men's Issues,
Sexual Addiction
Types of Therapy
Trauma Focused
Email Ryan Levin about this group or call - (424) 581-0748
Let's Connect (424) 581-0748