Men's Intensive Group
Men meet to discover the meaning of the "Mature Masculine" We seek to understand and access the archetypes of mature masculine...King, Warrior, Magician and Lover. Our goal is to confront the core fears that men unconsciously carry and that cause them to seek their power outside themselves in work, relationship and addictions rather than within. Unresolved issues from our childhood cause us to seek in sex and work what is only available within. We intend to reconnect with the wisdom of our fathers and recover our ability to give our gifts in love.
Group Details
The Spring Valley Center
5220 Spring Valley Road
Suite 120
Dallas, TX 75254
Session Cost
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
The Spring Valley Center
5220 Spring Valley Road
Suite 120
Dallas, TX 75254
Email me
My Other Groups
Mindfulness Meditation
The group meets to integrate mind, body and Spirit through the practice of Mindfulness Meditation. Group sessions always includes ten minutes of somatic practice in order to experience our embodiment, followed by thirty minutes of seated meditation to experience "the simple feeling of being". The group concludes with a time of open discussion concerning this practice and both its meaning and applications to our daily lives.
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
Radix Intensive Groups
Radix Body Centered Growth Work is a largely experiential approach to accessing suppressed emotional material. Emotions happen in the body. When primal emotional material that has been blocked is recovered and experienced in a safe manner, old patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving that have resisted change for years can be resolved. Pain, fear, longing and anger when suppressed and blocked, result in the loss of our capacity to feel love, trust, pleasure and full sexual surrender. Radix Body-Centered growth work is a powerful but totally safe approach to deep emotional and sexual transformation.