Men's Growth Group
This group is an open-ended therapy group for men interested in enhancing and healing the significant relationships in their lives, personal and interpersonal. An individual consultation with the group leader is required prior to becoming a group participant. Entry is also based on a slot being open. The max number of members is 8.
Group Details
Crossings Counseling Center, INC
209A Swanton Way
Decatur, GA 30030
Session Cost
Group Meets
My Other Groups
Women Growth Group
This is an open-ended group for women interested in deepening their personal and interpersonal relationships. The max number of participants is 8. Slots are available after an individual consultation with the group leader, and as slots are available to be filled.
Session Cost
Men and Women's Growth Group
This group is designed for women and men open to exploring their deeper feelings and thoughts with respect to their ideals, beliefs, and myth regarding relationships between the opposite sex. This is an open-ended group. Interested persons must meet with the group leader for an initial consultation to determine the person readiness for and participation in a therapy group on this level. The max number is 8, 4 males and 4 females. Entry into the group is available only if a slot is open.