Men's Group
Yeah, our facilitator is a woman, but she's very good at helping men feel comfortable while learning how to manage their anger/other emotions and connect to the real person inside. You don't have to wear a mask here. Men are human, too. Human's have a range of emotions, not just stoic and/or angry. Commune with other real men, and learn how to accept the full human you and be happy for real this time.
Group Details
MYH Library
2314 Miami Street
South Bend, IN 46614
Session Cost
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Emotional Management
Wouldn’t it be nice if we learned emotional management in school? Maybe life could’ve been a bit easier. Unfortunately for the most of us, we weren’t taught these skills. In fact many of us got the opposite education— emotions are something to be embarrassed about & hidden or stuffed down. Through seven topics, you learn the truth about emotions & skills to handle them including emotional management, mindfulness, stress management/problem solving, communication, assertiveness, relaxation, & grief. This group revolves, so if you start at topic 3, topic 1 will come around again. Start day/time will be announced soon. Contact me for more info.
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
Women's Trauma
Have you been traumatized in your life? Feel like your stuck, that the memories/strong feelings pop up out of nowhere, and maybe you even feel crazy or out of control? Feel like no one really understands or can help? Well, there are other women out there that can relate, & there is much that can be done to reduce the power of these memories/feelings. It's such a relief to know you're not alone & be in a supportive, caring environment while you learn to take control. I'll help by guiding and teaching everyone how to manage this specific type of pain.