Men's and Women's Dream Groups
"The dream is the theatre where the dreamer is at once: scene, actor, prompter, stage manager, author, audience and critic." - Carl Jung. Throughout history dreams have played an important part in most sacred traditions providing healing, guidance, inspiration and connection to our unconscious worlds. Dreams are like letters to ourselves about ourselves from ourselves. They seek to bring us to a sense of balance and wholeness. Dreams are shared from a Jungian perspective using Jeremy Taylor's "If it Were My Dream" technique. Participants discover the meanings of symbol image and the expanded story of each particular dream. Meets monthly with 6-8 participants.
Group Details
610 East Roosevelt Road
Wheaton, IL 60187
610 East Roosevelt Road
Wheaton, IL 60187
Email me
My Other Groups
Family Reconstruction
Family Reconstruction is a powerful, therapeutic growth process. Developed by Virginia Satir using gestalt techniques, psychodrama, genograms, fantasy and body sculpting. Family Reconstruction involves spending a day re-enacting the significant events in an individual's family history back three generations. He/She having his/her reconstruction done is called the Explorer. Having done a significant amount of homework the Explorer, on the day of his/her reconstruction chooses from the group individuals to "play" members of his/her family. No acting is required. Family Reconstruction provides an individual with a fresh perspective because the Explorer can "see" how his/her parents lives were shaped.
Women's Gathering West Suburbs Chicago/DC/Ireland
**Presently Closed ** My colleague from DC and I facilitate two annual groups of Women Gathering which meets in the fall for a long weekend. We use mythology, dream work, journaling, music, movement, poetry, and creative expression to help women explore their own inner journey. These weekends are powerful times that often help each person to uncover ways that are sabotaging or blocking her growth as an individual.