Mending the Soul (for adult women) TBD
Mending the Soul curriculum incorporates the latest social science research and Biblical theology to provide a template for healing from the 6 types of abuse (physical, emotional, neglect, sexual, spiritual, and narcissistic abuse).
Group Details
The Commons
9370 Southwest Greenburg Road
Suite 202
Tigard, OR 97223
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
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Shame Resiliency - Based on Brene Brown's Research
BEGINS 9/15 (Virtual via Google Meet) This 12 week psychoeducation and process group is based on Brene Brown's Shame-Resilience Theory (SRT) which helps individuals recognize and understand shame and develop shame resilience. In turn, this process allows one to move toward authenticity, love and belonging, and a resilient spirit. Our group will be a closed group in order to facilitate safety and connection among group members. Text book required I Thought it was Just Me (but it isn't): Telling the Truth About Perfectionism, Inadequacy, and Power. Group members must be able to complete weekly required reading and homework assignments.