Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse
In this group men find safety, a nurturing place to move beyond pain related to childhood sexual abuse. Participants work through isolation, fear, confusion, depression, low self esteem and anger with other men who have had similar experiences. Intake required.
Group Details
Intimacy, Sexuality & Gender Center of California
Aptos, CA 95003
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
BraveGals, Sexual, Emotional Abuse, Rape
A safe and confidential support group addressing the needs of all identified women. This is a therapy group addressing Sexual Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Rape and violence. Our group is accepting new members. This is a closed group. Please call Wanda 831-375-7553 an intake appointment.
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
Care for Caregivers Weekly Group
Currently using Video Chat: Care for Caregiver's is a weekly therapy group designed for everyone involved with caregiving, either professional or familial. Led by Stephen and Wanda Braveman and based on her book, "White Knight, Living with Alzheimer's, Moment by Moment" Stephen and Wanda have found a way to humanize caregiving, how to find joy and peace amid the trials, pain and frustration in taking care of another. We explore how to better understand the needs of the patient as well as the caregiver, how to "stay in the moment" with your patient and how to find peace there.