Lunch Time Life Saver Meditatation
Feeling stressed or overwhelmed before your lunch is unwrapped? This drop-in class is an incredibly effective way to reduce stress & anxiety in the middle of the work day. You will be able to get the basic elements of Mindful Meditation and leave feeling refreshed and ready for whatever crisis comes next . Each class includes a 20 minute guided Mindful Meditation session, instructions and time for Q & A. No prior experience necessary. There is a second class at 1:15 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Cost $5.00 for a 1/2 hour class. Register on line at
Group Details
400 Lippincott Dr
Marlton, NJ 08053
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Intro to Mindful Meditation
This class eases you into Mindful Meditation with individualized instruction and a chance for the questions you’ve always needed to ask. You choose the length of meditation to suit your comfort and needs. There will be a guided portion after which you can continue meditating on your own or take a break to stretch and resume or leave quietly. You will start to notice benefits such as relaxation and increased attention and focus with just a few minutes a day. Cost $8.00 per group. Register on Line at
Types of Therapy
Evening Unwind
At the end of the day, are you left with restless thoughts, increased anxiety added stress and frustrations? It can make for a difficult evening and a turbulent time in bed when trying to sleep. Come in and let us help you unwind your mind. Our Guided Meditation sessions are meant to help you let go of the day so you can transition home and be present for your life after work. This is an excellent way to release the stress from the week and start your weekend relaxed and calm. Cost $8.00 per class. Register on line at