Loved Ones Support Group
A group just for family, friends, and any loved ones. Supporting a person with an eating disorder can be a challenging, sometimes frustrating, experience. Though having an eating disorder is a uniquely isolating experience, helping a loved one recover from an eating disorder is often times similarly lonely, and marked by feelings of helplessness. If you have found yourself struggling to "say the right thing," to appropriately respond in times of stress or struggle, or to differentiate between your loved one and his/her disorder, this might be a beneficial resource for you and your loved ones.
Group Details
BeginWithin Center
272 Broad Street
Suite 2
Red Bank, NJ 07701
My Other Groups
Open, Free Bi-Monthly Support Group
This bi-monthly, free support group is open to current BeginWithin clients, as well as all-comers from the general public. In this warm, inclusive environment, two licensed clinicians join individuals of all ages, gender identities, and backgrounds, in supporting one another through active listening, relating, problem-solving, and simply by allowing them space to be with the group, and feel less alone. Participants are never forced to share beyond their comfort level, and can expect that their boundaries will always be respected. We convene on the first and third Thursday of each month, in the BeginWithin Group Room.