LOVE (Self-Esteem/Self-Love Group)
Too many of us do not take the time to stop and take care of make ourselves a priority. If this seems foreign, or impossible, or if you do not know where to begin this group was made for you. Learn to LOVE Yourself! Contact Janessa M. Borges, LCSW at (239) 315-0084 or visit for more information.
Group Details
Naples Oceanside Wellness LLC
4933 Tamiami Trail North
Suite 200
Naples, FL 34103
Session Cost
Types of Therapy
Naples Oceanside Wellness LLC
4933 Tamiami Trail North
Suite 200
Naples, FL 34103
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Breathe (Coping with Stress & Anxiety Group)
When you are living with anxiety, you may feel as though you are struggling to get through the day without falling apart. You may walk around pretending that everything is fine in front of friends, family, and colleagues, while secretly battling inner voices of self-doubt, criticism, or fears that leave you feeling drained by the end of the day. The Anxiety Skills Group was designed to provide psycho-education, assist in identifying triggers, and develop healthy coping skills, in a supportive environment. You Are Not Alone! Contact (239) 315-0084 or visit for more information.