Literacy Group for Ladies over 60
Many studies have concluded that friendships are vital to a person’s well-being, and this is especially true for older women. Creating a book Club can create female friendships that can be the key to happiness in older women. A study by the Industrial Psychiatry Journal published in Psychology Today showed a significant relationship between depression and loneliness in older people. This is a small group of women that meet to read and discuss books based on a topic or an agreed-upon reading.
Group Details
828 Southwest Palm City Road
Stuart, FL 34994
My Other Groups
Family Support of Individuals with Disabilities
A support group will be therapeutic, but is not therapy. The primary value of this support group is to provide a place where caregivers can give voice to stressful experiences, strong feelings and personal frustrations in the company of others who, ideally give a verbal or head nod agreement with the issue rather than criticism or value-laden responses that only make these difficult feelings intensify. In short, a caregiver support group should provide authentic, empathic understanding. Although, I am a Licensed Clinical Therapist, my role is to facilitator the group, not be a therapist. My role is to facilitate the discussions in the group.