Life Planning Coaching: Wellbeing Healers Group
Let's Connect (413) 881-6196
Many clinicians have struggled over the past few years with not only COVID worries, but the resulting pivot to teletherapy and perhaps other consequences – or choices – you have made since the pandemic. Change is exhausting, and stressful. Do you need to figure out how to live the quality, joyful life you want? To be the best Healer/Person? This group: safe place for self-reflection, only 4 clients; 4-session commitment for group stability. Some sessions = exercises for individual reflection, then group sharing (as desired). Other sessions = experiential - silent reflection, music, quiet . . . with journaling and sharing as desired.
Group Details
Life Planning Coaching Office of Deb Henson
Northampton, MA 01060
Email Deborah (Deb) Henson about this group or call - (413) 881-6196
Let's Connect (413) 881-6196