Later Life Mood Enhancement Group Program
The Later Life Mood Enhancement Group Program is a proven method to increase life satisfaction while learning how to effectively control undesirable moods. You will learn how to identify life patterns which help you to make the best of everyday. This program is easy to learn, enjoyable and very helpful. This is an opportunity you do not want to pass up! This group meets every Wednesday.
Group Details
Associated Behavioral Consultants
6600 N Lincoln Avenue
Lincolnwood, IL 60712
Session Cost
Group Meets
Associated Behavioral Consultants
6600 N Lincoln Avenue
Lincolnwood, IL 60712
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My Other Groups
Coping With Depression Group
Group focus is the learning of skills which help you to identify the behaviors, thoughts and feelings which lead to depression and how to quickly change these responses for positive outcomes. Group is short term and highly effective. There is easy to understand materials.
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
Anger Management Group
A clinically proven program which is short term, easy to learn and will transform unhealthy anger in to effective communication and problem solving. You will learn: .How internal and external events trigger angry responses .How to prepare and respond to a confrontation . Identify and control signs of anger arousal Resolve conflicts effectively and feel satisfied . Control daily stress levels which often lead to anger Groups include: Leadership by a highly skilled licensed mental health professional Individualized anger assessment & treatment plan Instructional manual with easy to follow guidelines.