Late Divorce Group is Temporarily Canceled
Have you or a friend, relative, client or patient left or been left * after 25+ years of marriage? This increasingly common demographic (media nicknamed "Gray Divorce") may have you asking yourself "what now?" Whether you feel angry and resentful, or even relieved, when a new 8- week Women's Support Group is formed, you will feel accepted and emotionally supported while your own experience will inspire others. Take the opportunity to grieve losses and alleviate sense of guilt, shame or failure. Define new responsibilities and learn new socialization. Adjust bonds with your adult children and reinforce loving connections. FEEL HAPPINESS!
Group Details
Marlene White Lenard, M.A., M.F.T.
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Late Divorce/8-Week Women's Support Group
THIS GROUP OPPORTUNITY WILL BE AVAILABLE AGAIN WHEN OUR WORLD HAS HEALED FROM THE CORNONA VIRUS REPERCUSSIONS. PLEASE JOIN US THEN for an opportunity to be with other women and develop a kinship from your like experience. You will be in an environment of acceptance and emotional support, while your own life wisdom can offer inspiration to others. Grieve your losses, of course, but learn to define your new responsibilities and goals. Adjust your bonds with adult children and realize the clarity, strength and resilience.that will allow you to accept and embrace your NEW NORMAL.