Insomnia and Troubled Sleep
We live in perhaps the most challenging time ever for getting a good night's sleep. Stress, overwork, high expectations, busyness, fear, anxiety, lights and screens: so much is working against us. In my years of clinical work, I've rarely met a person NOT managing some difficulties around sleep. This group utilizes CBT-I, the treatment approach that is by far the most effective for troubled sleep and insomnia. This group begins May 31 and will last 8-weeks. It will provide a detailed program for improving your sleep. Group will meet online. Cost is $50.
Group Details
Session Cost
Types of Therapy
My Other Groups
Deconstruction, Religious Harm, and Trauma
Online process groups for people impacted by religious harm and trauma resulting from organized religion. One aspect of this is "deconstruction": not only leaving the beliefs, but the loss of so many relationships that have been so central to our lives for so long, the regrets of years of life that could have been spent differently. Groups will be 1x/week and there will be separate groups for Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. I do offer free consultation if you're interested in joining. Cost: $50. Scholarships available.