Insights into Mindful Parenting Classes
A program to help parents "put their oxygen mask" so they may then be better able to understand, accept and relate to their children/teens, and support their growth. Parents learn the basics of Mindfulness and Meditation, including yogic breathing, awareness of thoughts and body sensations, eating mindfully, body scans, loving kindness, and other mindfulness techniques that they can easily integrate into their daily lives. Parents/caregivers also learn how they can include their children and begin to develop a practice within the home.
Group Details
Insight Learning and Wellness Center
25901 Emery Rd
Suite 112
Warrensville Heights, OH 44128
Session Cost
Types of Therapy
Insight Learning and Wellness Center
25901 Emery Rd
Suite 112
Warrensville Heights, OH 44128
Email me
My Other Groups
Tae Kwon Do Fusion
Classes are set for ages 3 through Adult and include individuals with Autism, ADHD, LD, anxiety/depression, etc. The group blends martial arts with activities to develop emotional and physical self- regulation, social skills and confidence. The emphasis is on controlling impulses, maintaining focus, developing stress management tools and setting/achieving goals. The physical training and repetitive moment reinforces neural pathways and develops attention span and self-control. Individuals progress through a traditional TKD belt system and may achieve a black belt through Seoul, Korea.
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
Great Beginnings- Holistic Parent Prep Classes
An experienced group of holistic professionals provides valuable information and loving support for a more calm peaceful and positive childbirth experience. Learn about the emotion/brain/pain connection; gain confidence and the ability to self-calm; learn how nutrition and toxins affect you and your baby; develop a birth plan and support staff; learn how herbals support you pre and post baby. Learn how to find joy and success with breastfeeding and care for yourself and the new baby.