In A Boring Relationship. Stuck And Hating It?

Learn how to better communicate, tackle sex and intimacy issues, make your relationship a priority, and develop skills to better handle conflict. Perhaps you've struggled with long-standing issues, and whether to get professional help. You want things to change but don't know how to go about it and just feel stuck. Fighting over money, sex, chores, or parenting; Not making your relationship a priority, Coping with an affair; Feeling alone and disconnected. You are not alone. Learn to feel more connected and secure in your relationships and in who you are. Complementary consultation required to qualify.
Group Details
Reconnect Relationship - West Hollywood
West Hollywood, CA 90069
Types of Therapy

My Other Groups
Struggling To Find And Keep A Loving Relationship?

During weekly sessions talk openly and confidentially about your work, romance, sex, friends, family, your goals and dreams, fears and challenges. An affordable, fun and safe environment, where you can get expert insight, personalized feedback and practical advice. You want things to change but don't know how to go about it and just feel stuck. With 15+ years experience, Dr. Gilbert can teach you how to tame your fears, develop relationship skills that work, find more effective ways to get what you want and better manage through life transitions. Complementary consultation required to meet group requirements.
Types of Therapy
No Healthy Boundaries? Stressed & Overwhelmed?

It's time to make a change. Don't suffer alone. In this group you will learn to tame your fears and Overcome anxiety, depression and loss; Conquer self-esteem and assertiveness issues; Manage through life transitions; Develop more effective ways to get what you want; Learn relationship skills that work. Dr. Gilbert works in a very collaborative and participatory manner. You'll get constant feedback, advice and valuable life skills in each session. Complementary consultation required to meet group requirements and ensure psychotherapy is right for you.