I am afraid to live. I am afraid to die. Who am I?

This group will meet once a month, around the full moon, to focus on chanting mantras for Healing and Protection. We may begin with seed sounds and expand into full mantras as the group desires. Call the office for more information. $25 drop in donation requested.

My Other Groups
Meditation and Astrology for Teens

Meditation is a tool that centers and grounds us, while astrology allows us to understand ourselves more clearly. The foundation of meditation provides the group a space to experience healthier patterns arising within the nervous system. By allowing the breath to serve as a guide, this group fosters creative and supportive dynamics in the ever changing landscape of our world. Teachings on Vedic Astrology provide a platform for discourse around feelings and emotions. Facilitated by Dr. Kailas, this group is a monthly offering, with recommended donation of $25 and commitment to four sessions. Contact me for more information. www.vedicpsychiatry.com