Help Her Heal Men's Group
This ten-week educational group teaches men how to help their partner's heal from betrayal trauma. Men learn how to: (1) become empathetic instead of defensive, (2) rebuild trust, (3) handle conflict, (4) develop intimacy emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, and physically instead of just sexually, and (5) determine their partner's unique needs to recover and plan ways to meet those needs. Participants practice their new skills and build support with other participants.
Group Details
Caddo Building
6401 Eldorado Parkway
Suite 228
McKinney, TX 75070
Session Cost
Group Meets
My Other Groups
Men's Groups
I have four groups: (1) a Tuesday night group for general sex addiction, (2) a Saturday morning group for general sex addiction, (3) a Saturday morning group that is for longer term recovery, and (4) a Saturday morning group that is for intimacy issues. Groups meet for 90 minutes to report sobriety, threats to sobriety, tools to deal with those threats, and regular recovery activity to maintain sobriety. Each group concludes with a discussion of a practical tool to increase sobriety and recovery. Groups are also encouraged to support each other outside of the group sessions. Bi-monthly Saturday workshops are also conducted.
Session Cost
Couples Group
This group is for couples who struggle with recovery from betrayal and or intimacy anorexia in their relationship. The group uses the curriculum Help.Them.Heal by Carol Juergensen Sheets. Groups focus on one of 4 phases of recovery: Discovery, Stabilization, Emotional Healing, and Post-traumatic growth. These groups meet every other week with reading and exercises assigned between sessions.