Healing though Play Support Group for Moms

Play is not just for kids. Moms need it too! Are you curious about how creativity can reconnect you to your deepest needs? Befriending ourselves through expressive arts opens the door that fear has locked. Anxiety, depression, perfectionism are all self-abandoning coping mechanisms we depended on to survive the frail attachment in childhood. They deserve our gratitude, but not our obedience. The adventure into imagination enlivens every part of our being. Sharing discoveries with a safe supportive group can build the trust we have longed for. Email to join this first free workshop.
Group Details
Walnut Creek, CA 94597
Session Cost
Group Meets
Types of Therapy

My Other Groups
Deep FunDreamwork online group

Dreams are invitations to creative discovery. They horrify, stump and delight us. They create solutions and bring up vital questions. They ask us to come out and play! From the vast creative well of the unconscious they deliver just the medicine we need! Their hidden layers of meaning blossom in a supportive group. Our 12-week series of two-hour sessions will be based in Jungian theory and Jeremy Taylor’s approach, incorporating dream education, expressive arts, active imagination and voice dialog work to experience significant dream elements more fully. Please join us online for deep fun.
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
Befriending Ourselves through Fairy Tales

Are you under the spell of self-abandonment, of overworking, over-caretaking? Have you been crowned Queen of Self Denial? We have been conditioned to fear self-attunement and to embrace self-abandonment. Maybe it’s time to play with mythic symbols like Frankenstein, Dumbling and the Ant and the Grasshopper to challenge the cultural taboo against “selfishness.” By creating our own fairy tales we can listen to what our symptoms are trying to tell us, and break that spell of self-abandonment to reclaim the lost treasures of our true needs. Join us in May 2023 for 6 sessions