Healing from Divorce Group
Coming soon. Please inquire at (860)-987-2181 for more information.
Group Details
Suite 203
40 Avon Meadow Lane
Avon, CT 06001
My Other Groups
Chronic Medical Conditions (CMC) Group
Do you suffer from a chronic medical condition, pain, or physical disability that has impacted your functioning, happiness, and overall wellbeing? Do you feel lost and alone? How do you cope? Countless of individuals suffer alone with many unanswered questions about their condition and future. This group is meant to be a supportive and safe environment to discuss the many emotions that arise and also to identify coping strategies amongst other individuals who understand what it means to have a chronic illness. Facilitator, Dr. Laura Toce. Maximum of 10 group members. Please call/text Dr. Toce (860-987-2181) for more information.