Happy Relationships Happy Life
Meets online/ for women who want high quality, blissful relationships. You will learn tools you to: Elevate &maintain healthy self-esteem - (be a confident Woman who knows your worth and feels deserving of all the good things in life). Get and sustain healthy, lasting relationships - (know how to create and keep a deep sense of closeness with the one you love). Peacefully resolve conflict - (learn to speak in a way that creates calmness). Communicate assertively & set healthy boundaries - (release the need to people-please so you can say "No" when you want to, know that what you need is important, and get what you want).
Group Details
Menifee, CA 92586
Group Meets
Types of Therapy
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Create Peace Within and Love Life_ DBT Skills
Learn and effectively use these FOUR essential set of skills- 1. mindfulness 2. interpersonal effectiveness 3. emotion regulation 4. distress tolerance. To learn more and get further details, call, text, email me or visit my website under my services_group therapy.