Group Therapies for Eating Disorders
Columbus Park has group therapy options offered during both day and evening hours. Patients may participate in a single group or in multiple groups. Groups include: Open Process Group (group compositions vary based on age, diagnosis, phase of recovery), Body Image Group, Emotional Eating, Group Dining Out, Sustaining Recovery and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Group therapy is a powerful treatment modality where a therapist conducts a treatment session with several patients together at the same time. The recognition of shared feelings and experiences within the group functions to decrease individual isolation and serves as powerful validation of one's personal suffering.
Group Details
Columbus Park Collaborative
210 Central Park South
New York, NY 10019
My Other Groups
Supported Dining
We provide quality, balanced, varied meals served with the support and guidance of our sensitive and knowledgeable providers. The communal dining experience takes place in the comfortable, non-institutional setting of our center's dining room. We promote a relaxed and congenial environment for the meal portion of the session, followed by thorough processing of the physical and emotional experiences of the meal. There are an abundance of opportunities to practice self-selection and self-portioning and "real life" dining out experiences with the support of our clinicians in a variety of restaurant settings.
Types of Therapy
Session Cost
Dialectical Behavior (DBT) Coping Skills Training
Columbus Park DBT Group addresses eating disordered behaviors and co-occurring issues such as depression, anxiety and self-harm. Our highly trained and dedicated professionals balance empathy and acceptance with work toward changing problematic behaviors. Consistent with the overarching goal of DBT, we are committed to improving the quality of life of our clients while fostering more control, meaning and pleasure in their lives. This is the standard DBT model that has been shown to be effective in multiple research trials.